Thanks to all who attended this year's State GOP Nominating Convention on Saturday, May 18th. Despite the light rain and dreary conditions, Sussex County was well represented and, by far, the most enthusiastic region. My thanks to all my RDCs for working together to fill "no-show" delegate slots at the last minute and give us a strong showing.
Eric Hansen and Donyale Hall were uncontested and received the endorsement of the DEGOP for their U.S. Senate and House seats, respectfully. The nominated candidates for Governor were Mike Ramone, Jerry Price and Bobby Williamson, with Mike Ramone garnering the majority of votes from all the regions, thus receiving the endorsement of the DEGOP. The surprise of the day was our own Ruth Briggs King stepping up to run for Lt. Governor. Being duly nominated and seconded and running unopposed, she too has received the endorsement of the DEGOP. "Thank you" Ruth for entering the race. You make us proud!
Our Vice-Chair, Tom Molnar, did double duty yesterday. He, along with 38th member, Claire Marino, set up "Pachy" at the entrance to the parking area and later, Tom was dressed in his Uncle Sam outfit and visited every region to collect cash donations for the DEGOP. His hard work and persistence paid off as he collected $1,170 for the day. Thank you, Claire and way to go, Tom! My thanks to our Secretary, Sharon Miles, and also Michele Williams for working the check in table and distributing the Alternate Delegates to the various Districts in need. My thanks also goes out to our Treasurer, Lee Carey, Barb Sunderlin and Patricia Anderson (37th RDC) for helping tally the votes for the Governor's race. Finally, congratulations to our Sussex County DEGOP Republican of the Month recipients Patti & Doug Griffith, Kathy Enedy, Shep Kilby, Patricia Anderson and Volunteer of the Year - Alison Monroe. Sussex County continues to shine as the BEST region!
Drew Sunderlin
Chair/Sussex GOP