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Our candidates are fighting for the future of your neighborhood and our state.
Meet them in person, find out their vision for the future and let them know yours.

11/7/2024 - Thursday
Join the Sussex GOP at our tent!
Get there early as the streets close at 8:30 AM.
This is a tradition that dates back to 1812. At this event politicians get a chance to "Bury the Hatchet ".
There will be food and drinks available as well as a number of of vendors. Ox roast sandwiches will be served.
Hope to see you there.
Questions? Call/Text Tom (609) 947-5313.

Saturday, November 16
Join We the People of Delaware
10 AM - 12 Noon
Location: 1 Midway Shopping Ctr
Rehoboth Beach, DE
This group’s main focus is being a visible, positive presence in Rehoboth Beach while we show our support for President Elect Donald J Trump.
For more information and to stay informed about rallies and events:

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