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Message from Delaware GOP Chair, Julianne Murray

Delaware State Republican Committee

Voter Apathy Won’t Stop Us—Let’s Get to Work!


What a time to be a Republican!  For the first time in years, Republicans are the “cool kids,” and the country is going in the right direction.  The job approval numbers for President Trump are stunning and show that Americans are willing to put aside party affiliation to embrace common-sense, pro-American policies.  

Now, we have to get Delaware voters to embrace these policies.  We are all disappointed by the outcome of the two special elections, but we can’t let those results deter us!  I am so proud of the statewide volunteer teamwork in these elections.  Everyone worked together and put forth tremendous effort to turn out the vote in SD #1 and SD #5.  So why didn’t it work?  Aren’t we told that if we work hard enough, we will get results? Unfortunately, one of the lessons we learn as adults is that life isn’t always fair and that effort does not necessarily get you the results you want.   Voter apathy is a real problem.  Undoubtedly, our candidates were better, but getting people to show up and make their voices heard is HARD.  Anyone who has run for office knows that people talk a good game, but very few show up when it comes time to act.  

Regardless, we must stay in “the game” and keep trying to improve.  We have made tremendous progress in our Get Out the Vote efforts in terms of outreach and messaging.  We must now laser focus on increasing Republican registration numbers and broaden our communications to show how out of step Delaware is compared to the rest of the nation.  We are going to have plenty of opportunities!

THANK YOU to all volunteers who made phone calls, sent text messages, wrote postcards, door-knocked, and gave up time to help!  We are no longer 5 regions, each operating in individual silos, we are now ONE party comprised of 5 regions, and we are moving in the same direction.

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