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News Release: 

March 26, 2025

Senate Advances Bipartisan Resolution to Explore Nuclear Energy in Delaware

Delaware Senate Republicans

DOVER, DE – The Delaware State Senate Republican Caucus issued the following statement after the passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution 18 (SCR 18), sponsored by Senator Bryant Richardson (R-Seaford), to explore the feasibility of nuclear energy in Delaware. Also included is an additional quote from Senator Richardson. "Today, the Delaware Senate took an important step toward securing a more reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy future for our state. We are pleased that SCR 18, which creates the Delaware Nuclear Energy Feasibility Task Force, passed with bipartisan support. This task force will examine the potential role of small modular reactors in Delaware’s energy portfolio and explore whether nuclear energy can help stabilize costs and improve reliability for families and businesses. “We thank the 13 Senate Democrats who voted in favor of this resolution and recognize their willingness to put good policy ahead of partisanship. Energy policy is too important to be dictated by politics, and today’s vote shows that there is broad support for having serious discussions about Delaware’s energy future. “As SCR 18 moves to the House of Representatives, we look forward to continuing this bipartisan effort. If House leadership believes a broader approach is necessary, Senator Richardson and sponsors are open to working together to expand the scope while ensuring nuclear energy remains part of the conversation. Delawareans deserve practical solutions that prioritize affordability and reliability, and we are committed to delivering just that." -- “I was pleased to have Senator Stephanie Hansen as a co-prime on this resolution,” Senator Richardson said. “She has devoted much of her time to help solve the problems associated with making sure Delawareans have an adequate supply of power now and in the future while making sure our environment is protected.”

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Media Release: 

March 22, 2025

Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill Squeaks by the House, Heads to the Senate

Delaware House Republicans

A bill seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide cleared the House on Tuesday with a minimum of 21 votes, sending the controversial measure to the Senate for consideration. House Bill 140 is sponsored by State Rep. Eric Morrison (D-Glasgow). It seeks to create a multi-step process allowing Delawareans with a life expectancy of less than six months to obtain and self-administer a lethal dosage of a prescribed drug. Under the bill, a designated medical professional must confirm that the patient seeking suicide could make an informed, rational, and voluntary decision. Individuals seeking this option must be presented with all available alternatives, including comfort care, hospice care, and pain control. The process would also include two waiting periods. The bill would not allow anyone to request the fatal dosage on behalf of another. Proponents maintain that assisted suicide allows terminally ill patients to end their lives at a time and place of their choosing while potentially avoiding a painful, prolonged death. House Republicans opposed the bill, objecting to perceived flaws in the process and noting troubling issues that have arisen in other jurisdictions were the practice has been legalized. State Rep. Jeff Hilovsky (R-Long Neck, Oak Orchard), in photo, cited the example of Canada, which enacted a physician assisted suicide law in 2016. In its first year, 1,018 people chose to end their lives under the program. According to the most recent statistics, 15,343 people received suicide assistance in 2023--about one out of every 20 deaths in the country that year. "That's an increase of 1,507%," Rep. Hilovsky told the chamber. "That is just an incredible amount." He said he believed the rapid increase is symptomatic of a growing societal acceptance of devaluing the lives of certain people. State Rep. Rich Collins (R-Millsboro), who spent a career in the insurance industry, said he feared an assisted suicide law would lead to coercion of the elderly. "I had clients that I was absolutely convinced wanted their parents to die so they could get the money. When you have older folks that have money...and their children desperately need it, don't think [they won't use this law to get it]." State Rep. Valerie Jones Giltner (R-Georgetown) said she views the bill as a slippery-slope issue. She said should it become law, she believes its scope would be quickly expanded to include non-terminal conditions. Citing a conversation she had with a handicapped man in the chamber just prior to the debate, she said people with costly medical needs could easily feel pressured into opting for physician-assisted suicide to give their families financial relief. Rep. Jones Giltner's argument is bolstered by a recent column authored by Drs. Mark S. Komrad, MD & Annette Hanson, MD in the journal Psychiatric Times. It noted: "While we recognize that individuals of good conscience may differ on the ethics of physician-assisted suicide, we have consistently maintained—as the American Medical Association has opined—that it is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks...Despite such clear statements, we and others have called attention to the ever-expanding eligibility criteria for physician-assisted suicide/euthanasia, particularly in Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In essence, every one of these foreign jurisdictions that has legalized physician-assisted suicide/euthanasia has eventually expanded them...The expansion typically begins with...end-stage or terminal illness and gradually broadens to “chronic, nonterminal, or treatment-refractory illness." House Bill 140 is pending action in the Senate Executive Committee, from which it is expected to win release.


News Release: 

March 20, 2025       

Senator Richardson Expresses Disappointment as

Senate Bill 55 Fails to Advance

DOVER, DE — Despite compelling testimony from medical experts and detransitioners, Senate Bill 55 (SB 55) failed to clear the committee process Wednesday after the Senate Health and Social Services Committee, controlled by Democrats, refused to release the bill for consideration by the full Senate. SB 55, also known as the Delaware Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act, aimed to protect children from irreversible medical procedures by prohibiting gender transition treatments for minors. The bill’s supporters, including medical professionals and individuals who have detransitioned, provided testimony on the long-term risks and potential harm of such procedures. However, the committee opted to block the bill, disregarding their expert insights. Senator Bryant Richardson (R-Seaford), the bill’s prime sponsor, expressed deep disappointment over the decision but affirmed his commitment to advocating for children’s well-being in Delaware. “The challenge for this bill was to introduce overwhelming evidence about the dangers to youth who are subjected to gender transition procedures and to dispel biased and inaccurate information from those who profit from providing treatments," Senator Richardson said. “Having the most current factual information available is crucial when it comes to deciding the best course of action for protecting the development of our youth.” "The purpose of SB 55 was to protect vulnerable children from making life-altering medical decisions before they are mature enough to fully comprehend the risks," Senator Richardson continued. “How do you explain the long-term risks to a 12-year-old?” The senator noted there are facts that cannot be denied, but unfortunately failed to convince the committee members. According to the best studies—the ones that even transgender activists themselves cite—80 to 95 percent of children with gender dysphoria will come to identify with and embrace their bodily sex. Forty-one percent of people who identify as transgender will attempt suicide at some point in their lives, compared to 4.6 percent of the general population. People who have had transition surgery are 19 times more likely than average to die by suicide. “I believe the tide is turning against giving youth chemicals and surgeries, but those who profit from providing treatments will not give up easily,” said Senator Richardson. “In just a relatively short period of time, gender dysphoria has become a widespread problem. It is spreading as a social virus and infecting the minds of young people in search of acceptance. When a child is struggling with their identity, they should not be subjected to irreversible harm from hormones and surgeries.”

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Senator Bryant Richardson

News Release: 

March 7, 2025

DE Senate Bill 65 Introduced to Remove Delaware from

the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

Delaware Senate Republicans

DOVER – Senate Republican Leader Gerald Hocker (R-Ocean View) and Representative Bryan Shupe (R-Milford) have introduced Senate Bill 65 (SB 65), legislation that would remove Delaware from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The bill aims to provide relief to Delaware households and businesses burdened by rising energy costs. Delaware initially joined RGGI to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, with a target of a 10% reduction by 2019. Despite having far surpassed this goal, the state remains in RGGI while Delawareans continue to face some of the highest electricity costs in the region. Lawmakers argue this has negatively impacted economic growth and affordability. "Delaware has done its part in reducing emissions, yet families and businesses are still paying the price for a program that has outlived its purpose,” said Senator Gerald Hocker. “It’s time to remove this unnecessary burden and ensure that energy remains affordable for all Delawareans." Representative Bryan Shupe, the bill’s House prime sponsor, echoed these concerns, highlighting the economic impact of high energy costs. "When energy prices are artificially inflated by government mandates, it slows business growth and reduces job opportunities,” said Shupe. “We can protect our environment while also making Delaware a more competitive place to live and work." SB 65 has been assigned to the Senate Environment, Energy, & Transportation Committee and is expected to receive a hearing in the coming weeks.

For Senate Bill 65 including the full list of sponsors click below.

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Senate Republican Leader Gerald Hocker
Representative Bryan Shupe



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